Typ stroja
Den Dekker
The DZ Pick-up is intended as a header implement for harvesting grasses or other grass-like crops. The term “belt pick-up” gives a clue about how the product works. It is a conveyor belt that picks up the cut crop. The conveyor belt is equipped with high-quality polymer slats with pick-up springs attached, which ensure optimal crop intake. The closed belt increases efficiency by minimising losses in the intake system.
DZ Pick-up as a header implement
The DZ Pick-up is a header implement that can be mounted in the combine’s header or in a frame at the front or rear of an agricultural machine.
The DZ Pick-up is available in widths varying from 1.40 - 7.60 metres.
The pick-up belt is made of high-quality materials
The pick-up belt is a traditionally made product created from high-quality materials. We use a reinforced material as a basis, which is fitted with a closure for easy access to the frame.
To ensure that the swath is picked up properly, the belt features plastic strips with springs specifically developed for this application. The transition from the DZ Pick-up to the auger is also an important aspect in picking up the crop so the DZ Pick-up can still function properly in harsh conditions.
As standard, the DZ Pick-up is supplied with a hydraulic drive using the hydraulic reel drive of the combine. Up to 7.00 metres, the DZ Pick-up is driven by a hydraulic motor on either the left or right. Over 7.00 metres, the drive is provided on both the left and right.
DZ Pick-up is supplied as standard with hydraulic hoses of 1.5 metres long with universal quick-release couplings. For each brand, a compatible set is supplied to connect the hydraulic drive to the reel drive.
If hydraulic drive is required but is not available from the combine, a “pump kit” that can be built onto the existing header can be ordered.
Mechanical drive (optional)
If the combine does not have a hydraulic reel drive, the pick-up can be driven mechanically by a chain drive or V-belt drive. The existing reel drive is used. A drive unit reverses the direction of rotation so the DZ Pick-up revolves in the correct direction. To prevent the pick-up from turning backwards, a mechanical freewheel coupling is supplied as an option. This can be used with chain or V-belt drives.
DZ Pick-up contour following systems
There are three different contour following systems to choose from:
Universal header supports
The DZ Pick-up is easy to install and remove using specially developed universal header supports. After the supports have been installed for the first time, the installation time is about 20 minutes.
DZ Type K Pick-ups are a short variant that is primarily used to lift the swath during the drying period to prevent further growth.
The standard DZ Pick-ups have a working width ranging from 2.00 - 7.60 metres.
DZ Type 3L Pick-ups are an extended version of Type 3 and have a working width varying from 2.00 to 4.20 metres.
DZ Type 4 Pick-ups have a working width ranging from 6.50 - 11.00 metres.
The Type 4 is made up of two standard DZ Type 3 Pick-ups mounted side by side in a combine header.
The Swath-down, optimal crop guiding
The "Swath-down" option was introduced in 2019. The Swath-down was developed to make short-cut crops easier to harvest. Deeply curved pick-up tines prevent the product from rolling, making harvesting easier. The pick-up tines guide the product to the DZ Pick-up.
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MULČOVAČE - www.mulcovacicentrum.eu
VŠE PRO VINICI - www.centrumvinarsketechniky.eu
VŠE PRO SAD - www.sadarskecentrum.eu
KOMPLETNÍ NABÍDKA KUBOTA - www.kubotacentrum.eu
SKLIZŇOVÁ TECHNIKA - www.skliznovecentrum.eu
DOPRAVNÍ TECHNIKA - https://www.centrumdopravnitechniky.eu
POSTŘIKOVAČE - www.centrumpostrikovacu.eu
LISY A BALIČKY - www.lisovacicentrum.eu
ROZMETADLA - www.centrumrozmetadel.eu
SECí STROJE A KULTIVACE - www.centrumseti.eu
PÍCNINÁŘSKÁ A KRMIVÁŘSKÁ TECHNIKA - www.picninarskecentrum.eu
Spoločnosť BISO SCHRATTENECKER sa zaoberá predajom a servisom poľnohospodárskej techniky od roku 2008 na území ČR , na území SK od roku 2005. Pre tieto územia zastupujeme niekoľko značiek ako aj svetových, tak aj lokálnych výrobcov. Silné väzby máme na výrobcov KUBOTA, NEW HOLLAND, CASE IH, MASCHIO GASPARDO, VIGOLO, KVERNELAND, STRAUTMANN, SPAPPERI, WEAVING a mnohých ďalších.
Vinársku a sadársku techniku máme k dispozícií od značiek CIMA, LACRUZ, TECNOFRUIT, UV-BOOSTING, FREILAUBER, AGROFER a BISO WINEBOSS.
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