Modifikační sada vytřasačů pro BRAUD tažený 

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Italský výrobek
Typ stroja
New Holland Braud, New Holland Braud
Sklízeče hroznů
Kód produktu
Štandardné balenie        1 ks
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Popis produktu

The MODIFICATION KIT FOR TOWED-BEHIND developed by LaCruz® improves the performance of the grape harvesters.
Besides improving the capacity of the machine, it also improves the quality of the harvesting process, by safeguarding the vines and reducing the loss of juice, leaving the harvested berries intact and clean.



• it reproduces the same shaking method used by more modern grape harvesters;

• it increases the harvesting speed;

• it removes the damage of the “lash” effect on the vines caused by the original shaking system;

• it reduces the defoliation effect and the damage on the vines;

• it reduces the quantity of stalks in the harvested product;

• it diminishes the loss of product;

• we highly suggest to install this modification kit together with the CONNECTING KIT FOR



In addiction, shakers by LaCruz® are subject to wear by almost half than the original rods, thanks to their reinforced rib and different material. They do not modify their original shape and are quick and easy to adjust.

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Centrála SK: +421 902 944 275, +421 902 944 276,

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Odporúčané tovary

Cena po přihlášení
Round shaking rod for towed-behind Braud TB10 and TB15 modification kit by LaCruz
Cena po přihlášení
Right support for LaCruz shaking modification kit for towed-behind Braud, for the two first lower shakers
Cena po přihlášení
Left support for LaCruz shaking modification kit for towed-behind Braud TB10 and TB15
Cena po přihlášení
Right support for LaCruz shaking modification kit for towed-behind Braud
Cena po přihlášení
Left support for LaCruz shaking modification kit for towed-behind Braud TB10 and TB15
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